Our home service

Would you like to order drinks from the comfort of your own home and have them delivered directly to your door? Tired of the hassle of lugging heavy crates of drinks?
Then we are the right contact! For the daily needs or for occasions of all kinds, we will gladly supply them with our drinkable beers as well as delicious lemonades, etc.

Of course, we also take empty beverage crates back with us.


Montag Tour 1:

Teisnach – Allersdorf – Kollnburg – Konzell – Traitsching – Cham – Furth im Wald – Eschlkam – Neukirchen am heiligen Blut – Bad Kötzing – Viechtach – Teisnach

Montag Tour 2:

Teisnach – Regen – Zwiesel – Lindberg – Frauenau – Spiegelau – Grafenau – Schönberg – Kirchberg im Wald – Bischofsmais – Teisnach


Teisnach – Grafling – Deggendorf -Metten – Plattling -Stephansposching – Otzing – Aholming – Osterhofen – Niederalteich -Hengersberg – Deggendorf – Teisnach


Teisnach, Geiersthal und Patersdorf Gebiet

Donnerstag Tour 1:

Teisnach – Böbrach – Drachselreid – Bodenmais – Teisnach

Donnerstag Tour 2:

Teisnach – Ruhmansfelden – Zachenberg – Gotteszell – Achslach – Teisnach
